Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Last Gasp

Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan
Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Republicans elected trump because they are desparate.  Things are changing.  Our culture is more tolerant and more open and more peaceful.

The people that run this company, the rich, are staying greedy and getting desperate. But when Trump passes and limps out of the white house as a failure, they will have lost their power.

Oh there will still be pockets of right wingers getting their rocks off on being angry and teaching their children hate, but we will finally become a great nation.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

New First Lady

We need to make sure that we treat Mr. Trump's wife with the respect he does of wives.  In other words, let's call her names-  fat pig.  a house keeper.

Let's try to grab her in the pussy!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Are conservatives like a trailer Park Home schooler

There are people that homeschool their children that are motivated to expose their children to learning that they can tailor to their kids.  Then there is the trailer park mom who homes schools their kids because they don't want to have to get up in the morning.  They believe that they can throw a few textbooks at them and then let them surf Youtube (aka Ron Johnson). That homes schooler thinks that they are smarter than everyone else when in fact the opposite is true.

Donald trump is like that.  He has blundered his way until he has come to believe his ignorance is actually an asset.

Now you may say, but he is so rich.  Well he started out rich and money makes money when you are willing to screw everyone over.  If Trump is elected, like a bad homeschooler, it will be the children that suffer, along with everyone within the court.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

According to Bullock, Hitler was an opportunis...
According to Bullock, Hitler was an opportunistic adventurer devoid of principles, beliefs or scruples. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Trump is Hitler, are we post-war Germany.

My first thought is that America is not. We are not in dire straits and feeling defeated. Then I wondered if maybe the threshold from a Hitler might have happened even if things were not so bad. Maybe the threshold for evil is lower.
What if the mindset of a nation could be set in motion and then snowball until it is out of control. Plus as a nation, we might be dumber than post-war Germany. In fact, I am pretty sure that is true.
There is an inequality in America. It is simply harder to identify because technology allows there to be a big discrepancy without the hardships that it caused in the past. People can be poor and have hardships. Yet few do not have resources for food and shelter. Most have a refrigerator, fast food, and a cell phone. So the urgent need for change is not there- fix this or change. Yet the anger is there. We look for someone to blame.  Liberalism look to blame the rich and corporations. Yet we love our corporations. Pepsi and Nike. We believe someday we will be rich.
Conservatives blame the immigrants and minorities and the no religious. For many people, this hits on something they believe anyway.  And even if deep down, they disagree, if you hear something long enough, you will begin to believe it.

I believe that trump will not get elected.  If a rich moderate like the last guy could not get elected, then how will an angry Trump. His rhetoric will change, but (and he may not believe this) his previous comments have been filmed and will be brought up.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

You Need an Enemy

Imagine that you lived in a time of arranged marriages.  You were attracted to tall blonde women and your parents told you that you must marry a short plump girl. How would you react?  Would you allow them to tell you that?

That plump girl is all right but you have no sexual chemistry.   Think about how you would react.  This is what religious conservatives are doing to gay people.  I know they think it is a sin, but are they really expected people to stop being gay. To suddenly be sexually attractive to the opposite sex? 

They just want something to be angry about.  Gay marriage does not affect them.  Gay people are more than happy to not get married in your church. 

Some people simply need an enemy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Money Changers

Jesus casting out the money changers from the ...
Jesus casting out the money changers from the Temple by Giotto, 14th century (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There will be a new regime in religion.  Just as the jewish faith had corruption and people go away fromt he values and jesus came in to renew people and advance people to a better way, there will be a new religion.  There were the moneychangers and the priests that kept people in line and they stayed above common people, there will be a CHANGE. ThePEOPle that use bible to judge and condemn and allow themselves to make new wealth at the expense of the poor will be turned out and a finger will be pointed at them.. perha

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We are better Now

Photo of wedded American couple performing the...
Photo of wedded American couple performing the ritual of cutting the cake together. At The Mountain Winery, Saratoga, California, US. Looking east over the Santa Clara Valley. Taken 6/26/04 by Paul Endo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are some that think gay marriage is devastated or at least as one family members facebook page- a slippery slope where there will not be any morality now.  This is the same kind of thinking that took place when black people were suddenly allowed the rights given to them by the constitution   it is the same thinking by people against interracial marriage,

In both cases, things only got better and people are still allowed to hold their backwater beliefs.  It did not harm marriage or our society.  Does anyone think religious people have no power today? 

It is true true that homosexuality is more accepted today, but is there anyone that thinks gay people are going away.

America is stronger than ever. It is more moral than ever.  We have a lot of terrible behaviors in our past.  Does anyone think slavery was okay?  Putting Japanese people in prison. Camps.  People were lynched.  Men allowed to beat their wives. Children force to work. We stole land from native Americans and decimated the population.  To be well-rounded I am thinking of more injustice. However, most of it has been done to black people.  Wow!  Forced to have separate schools that were not exqual. Forced to live in fear and not allowed to get education or good jobs or marry a white person.  Of course many gay people have been attacked and killed. Forced to live lies.

Monday, May 16, 2016

But First

Center for Sexual Assault Victims
Center for Sexual Assault Victims (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Let’s prevent assault by trans gendered people in bathrooms. First though, let’s prioritize and handle the bigger chances of assaults:
-No more priests, pastors or church leaders in religious education classes- anywhere there is children
-Conservative politicians should not be allowed in airport bathrooms or allowed to have aides.
-There is a problem with rape and sexual assaults in the military. Most soldiers are to be regarded as heroes. a few though are bad people. Let’s keep an eye on all soldiers just in case.
-In fact, Sex offenders are overwhelmingly white males. Nearly 99% of sex offenders in single-victim incidents were male and 6 in 10 were white (Greenfeld, 1997). Let’s make sure this population is regulated and supervised- They should not be allowed to marry as they cause many problems in society. They are ruining America.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

All Should be Welcomed

Portal of the Church of Pilgrims, in Washingto...
Portal of the Church of Pilgrims, in Washington, DC, with a LGBT banner. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Right wing Christians believe that they are not hateful- they just know homosexuality is wrong. By all means, preach it on the street corner. Let Jesus go and find them. But do not let it interfere with the core beliefs this country is founded on. Is it the Bible? No. The founders were Christians. In the same way that football players are Americans. They are influenced by their American values, but the rules are set up so that anyone can play.

That is what we should be asking of America. For the rules to be fairly applied. Fundamentalists want to keep this from happening to the LGBT community. They pretend it is out of love. They don’t want their tax money spent on homosexual weddings or some such nonsense. Yet I suspect they know that under the guise of protecting their religion, they get to be hateful. 

Right wing Christians believe that they are not hateful- they just know homosexuality is wrong. By all means, preach it on the street corner. Let Jesus go and find them. But do not let it interfere with the core beliefs this country is founded on. Is it the Bible? No. The founders were Christians. In the same way that football players are Americans. They are influenced by their American values, but the rules are set up so that anyone can play.

That is what we should be asking of America. For the rules to be fairly applied. Fundamentalists want to keep this from happening to the LGBT community. They pretend it is out of love. They don’t want their tax money spent on homosexual weddings or some such nonsense. Yet I suspect they know that under the guise of protecting their religion, they get to be hateful. 

Most people are hypocrites

Freedom of Speech from the Four Freedoms serie...
Freedom of Speech from the Four Freedoms series by Norman Rockwell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They complain when their side is protested against  then when their side protests, they complain that someone wants to limit their freedom of speech.

They complain that their president is being disrespected and then disrespect the president of the other party.

They gripe about a president being dishonest but ignore that their president did the same thing.

They give label to other people's actions and hate it when their actions are labeled.

The Bible is not a Road map

Closeup of bumper sticker with famous Sinclair...
Closeup of bumper sticker with famous Sinclair Lewis line "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" Uploaded by Outsider80 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Government is a system of rules.  Are you with me so far?  You know what else has rules that govern us.  The rules of the road.  We have a system of laws so that we can go from one place to another.  We are able to create and follow these rules without mentioning religion. It works great.  It works better than our federal and state governments.

Not one mention of God.  They are not based on the Bible.  Yet people are free to be religious.  You can listen to a religious station and listen to the BIBLE on tape.  You can even be a pastor and rehearse or even preach your sermon to anyone you want in your car.

You can let your christian faith influence how you drive. Please do.  Give to others, love one another, turn the other cheek.  But also atheists can not and only follow the rules of the road and you still go about your day.
Religious people can have a Jeus is my copilot bumper sticker. We have laws that protect your right to have it.  You can be at a stop light and ask the driver next to you if they have accepted Jesus.  Perfectly acceptable. But you cannot have laws that force people to pray while driving. You are okay with that.

Now the laws of the road have some things that go against your religion.  Trucks can have chrome outlines of naked women.  Some bumper stickers have swear words on it. The meak shall inherit the earth, but suck at merging.

The Bible tells you adulterous and gay people should be stoned.  You see a Miatta with a rainbow sticker on it or a Outback being driven by a woman in a flannel shirt and you are not happy. You make a comment to the people in your car, but you do not stone them.  You let them go on their merry way and you are actually okay that you let them be on their way.

We can do that with the laws of our nation. No one will stop your religious rights and yet everyone can be on their merry way.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Freedom from Religion

U.S Postage Stamp, 1957
U.S Postage Stamp, 1957 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I believe the intent of freedom of religion was to protect people's right to practice their faith.  Just as important was the intent to prevent a theocracy.  The founding fathers did not want a government telling people when and what to pray.

Did they?   Did they want to the us government to tell you what religion to believe in. if they did, would it be the flavor Christianity you are worshipping?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Unions Fairshare

A rally of the trade union UNISON in Oxford du...
A rally of the trade union UNISON in Oxford during a strike on March 28, 2006, with members carrying picket signs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I took a job that was unionized.  I had the choice to not be in the union, but pay some money towards it.  It is called fairshare.  That term meant that you had to pay for them bargaining on your behalf and making better money, because you go to the boss as a collective.  Now people can not be in a union, but if other people are in the union and paying the dues.  The nonunion person will reap the benefits without doing their fairshare.

It is simply unfairs to frame things as the person is no longer forced to be in a union.  They were never forced.  They did not have to work for that company.  They could have went elsewhere.  The right to work is simply trying to capitalize on people that want to get out of paying dues.  To weaken the unions. 

Good companies may not need unions.  They see the value in a properly compensated workforce.  And I think the auto workers may have hurt their own industry by not allowing the companies to do what they needed.  However, most unions function as agents.  Like the agent for an actor.  Take for example, Bryan CranstonCranston does not negotiate how much he gets paid.  The agent does and that agent gets compensated for it.  That agent is not the one acting.  But he is the one negotiating wages, protecting the actor from bad contracts, and using the power of his reputation and his company to get the best deal for the actor.  The 10 % he pays to the agent results in more than a 10% increase in his compensation.

Movies studios benefit from the agents, but I think they would love for their not to be agents.  For them to go back to paying people what they want.  They would hold the power.  Maybe the Bryan Cranston could get by without an agent, but most could not.

Let see what happens without unions.  Let me rephrase that.  We are going to find out what happens without unions.  Let me rephrase that again.  We know what will happen.  We will go back to the time of the Rockefellers and the Carnegies.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Random Bits

Movement within a roundabout in a country wher...
Movement within a roundabout in a country where traffic drives on the left. Note the clockwise circulation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I agree with the conservatives.  Let’s go back to the fifties. Where companies paid a enough for one income to support a family.  Your boss had a nicer house, but not his own island.
Unless you’ve offered a welfare person a job with benefits, you can’t judge them for living off the system.

There will be a new regime in religion.  Just as the jewish faith had corruption and people go away fromt he values and jesus came in to renew people and advance people to a better way, there will be a new religion.  There were the moneychangers and the priests that kept people in line and they stayed above common people, there will be a CHANGE.  tHE PEOPle that use bible to judge and condemn and allow themselves to make new wealth at the expense of the poor will be turned out and a finger will be pointed at them.. perhaps it will be a new messiah that metaphorically overturns their tables.

Health care may be like roundabouts.  Anyone will tell you that they seemed like they would not work, cause havoc, and be downright dangerous.  We suspected that we were trying to copy something from some hippie country like France or California that was not going to work for us. Yet, now that there are here, we have found that they work.  They reorganized how we did intersections for the better.  Of course, like roundabouts, stupid people may put the rest of in danger.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Abortion is Guns

Abortion is Guns

Why is the NRA rabid about making sure no gun laws get enacted? They do not even a small one because they are afraid of the ability to carry a gun to slowly be hampered. Like smoking. Little reasonable requests until it is almost banned.
So believing abortion is wrong is reasonable. It understandable. However, prochoice people fight hard against it because they want control over their bodies. They feel they have to fight to protect their rights and I did not understand this until our current conservatives have come into play. They have clearly shown that they do not want to end abortion. They want to take control over women’s bodies. Their proposals and rhetoric have gone far beyond abortion.
Todd Akins has talked about legitimate rape. They want to enforce invasive ultrasounds because they already consented to penetration. Except now it would not be consensual. They want to be able to tell women no to contraceptives- we’ll tell you when you can get pregnant.

If their small requests weren’t so stupid, they would begin with those. They would define who was raped and which women are good and which women are bad and should be scorned. Instead they begin with one that people are passionate about and if they get abortion illegal, then they will throw in more measures to control women.

A Biblical Marriage

Benjamites take women of Shiloh as wives.
Benjamites take women of Shiloh as wives. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Bible speaks of marriage.
Many believe that the Bible is the exact word of God and should not be interpreted. Yet many of those that say that, still interpret it.
For example, this passage:
Ephesians 5:23,24,32 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.

This does not jibe with accepting women as equals so this is taken at a slant. People define submit differently. They say this is God’s truth, but here submit means support. But the words are submit in everything. So if a man wants to have sex, the wife has no choice. For a long time, this was how it was taken. Now we know this is barbaric. So we look at it differently. I am simply saying that we do this for other passages.
The Bible talks of marriage. Of being fruitful and multiply and  in Mathew-
“At the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'
5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ?
6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

Jeremiah 29:6
"Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease."

But to me it sounds like the Bible is talking to those men and women who marry. This is what you should do when you want to be with a member of the opposite sex forever. The Bible simply did not consider other people.  People that never marry for example. Some people are asexual and do not have sex with anyone. The Bible does not talk about them. In such a way, I think the Bible does not address same sex marriage. It does not prohibit it. It says a man will leave his father, it does not say he must.
The Bible did not talk about homosexuality, just as it did not consider the Internet, and technology. Unless you are Amish, you are already nto following the Bible as it was written.
Personally, I think the Bible was written by humans and is fallible. With Godly intent (perhaps), but it is to give guidance and cause discussion. I don’t believe it should be taken exactly literally. Neither do you unless you believe that women should submit. They should be servants and property to men as they were during ancient history. If you do believe this, then there is no hope for you.

In closing I ask you to consider this:
"Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer." (New Living Translation)

Just as I meditate on this message and take it to heart as I consider the Bible-thumpers, I want you to see gay people are part of God’s creation. This means they are good. 

Are You a Jerk test

The transgender pride flag
The transgender pride flag (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We need to develop criteria to see if you should be offended or oppose something.  I came with this thought about transgendered bathrooms:
1)      Will it affect my life?

2)      Will it allow someone else to live a better, happier life with little impact on me?
3)      Am I making it an issue because of my own issues? For attention?

4)      Have I looked at objectively, from all sides and not just someone that holds similar beliefs as my own?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Traditional Marriage- Back to Concubines

Same Sex Marriage
Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Marriage has always been a bad deal.

Okay that is not what I really want to say. It’s just that marriage is only as good as people and people are always flawed. This is why people that protest homosexual marriage as an attack on traditional marriage is so wrong. Traditional marriage is probably stronger now than ever.
First, however, I want to find out how gay people living together and bringing up children and living as a couple is any worse or better than them getting married. They are striving for and cherishing an institution that many heterosexual do not.  The only people that can destroy a marriage is the people in it.
Traditional marriage gives the children from it a better chance for a good life than children not from one. But is this the institution or the people in that marriage.
Do we want to go back to the tradition of marriage the way it was in the 50s? Many do and many marriages were good. However, as an institution it sucked. Women were not given a lot of say and had fewer rights and opportunities. An abused spouse had little options other than be a punching bag.  Today there are many strong, loving interracial marriages. Not in the 50s. People died because the social norms inhibited them from getting a divorce.
Maybe we should go back to the 1800s. See the further back you go, the younger people got married and if you married someone bad you were stuck with them. The further back you go, the less women were treated like humans and more like property. Many supporters of traditional marriage get a secret thrill from this thought.
I’m sure there were good, loving marriages during Jesus’s time. However, there were many bad things. Arranged marriages and daughters traded away for a dowry.  They had no say in who they married. They were valued so little that a man might have several wives. To me it sounds like the wives were just above the concubines.

Those that look to the Bible to preserve the idea of a traditional marriage are ignoring how much marriage has already changed from when the Bible was written. Changed for the better.  Somehow they believe that the Bible was written in the 1950’s America.

Transgendered Bathrooms

A portal icon for Portal:Transgender, based on...
A portal icon for Portal:Transgender, based on File:Portal LGBT.svg. Gradient from pink (feminine) to blue (masculine) (and shades in-between) to represent the spectrum of gender identity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We need to develop criteria to see if you should be offended or oppose something.  I came with this thought about transgendered bathrooms:
1)      Will it affect my life?

2)      Will it allow someone else to live a better, happier life with little impact on me?
3)      Am I making it an issue because of my own issues? For attention?

4)      Have I looked at objectively, from all sides and not just someone that holds similar beliefs as my own?