Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Life is like writing



Life is like writing.  You can only get slightly better each day. Sometimes the improvement is indiscernible. Yet you have to keep at it.  Focus on the work.

In life we set high goals and goals are good. Yet if you will look around you and within you, you can identify people deciding to change. We are going to lose weight. Stop doing a harmful habit. When we fail, we are pretty miserable with our life and within ourselves.

So let’s hard. But focus on tiny steps.  Try to be just a little bit better than yesterday. And then reward ourselves for it.

Because those of us getting a tiny bit better each day are succeeding. We attain our goal. If you are thinking BIG DEAL. It is when you compare it to the other path of setting a huge goal and not making any progress.

I do have the goal of being a best-selling author. I have not made any progress towards that goal. But I also just try to do better each day. I try to get one more poem or article written and published. I try to get a little bit more involved in my writing community. To me that is success.