Gov. Walker ran on a platform of cutting waste. That's a good thing. Sorta. Except when you cut things just to cut things.
The current way Wisconsin is run is that you tighten things up regardless of what harm is done. They have screwed up how agencies order things. For greater control. However, if you have dedicate, comptetent people, you do not have to worry about waste. Yes there are bad apples in every organization, but I doubt you really stop them.
Who you stop is those that want to make progress in their goals. Again, some oversight is good because it makes people answer questions- there are checks and balances.
More importantly though, too much power just makes the people in charge corrupt. i suspect that the extra control is to give contracts to friends.
Meanwhile those not in politics but work for the government, have their times wasted by the extra bureaucracy that has been in place to replace bureaucracy.
Sorry short-sighted dimwits, it takes money to do things. You may as well use enough to accomplish things instead of cutting costs and achieving nothing.