Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Life is like writing



Life is like writing.  You can only get slightly better each day. Sometimes the improvement is indiscernible. Yet you have to keep at it.  Focus on the work.

In life we set high goals and goals are good. Yet if you will look around you and within you, you can identify people deciding to change. We are going to lose weight. Stop doing a harmful habit. When we fail, we are pretty miserable with our life and within ourselves.

So let’s hard. But focus on tiny steps.  Try to be just a little bit better than yesterday. And then reward ourselves for it.

Because those of us getting a tiny bit better each day are succeeding. We attain our goal. If you are thinking BIG DEAL. It is when you compare it to the other path of setting a huge goal and not making any progress.

I do have the goal of being a best-selling author. I have not made any progress towards that goal. But I also just try to do better each day. I try to get one more poem or article written and published. I try to get a little bit more involved in my writing community. To me that is success.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lizzie Files

There are people on the Internet that are speaking up for what they believe.  Then there are those that are addicted to their anger.  In attacking the beliefs of others and not in presenting their own beliefs.

Often they are trolls in that they are paid to do it.  Either way they are bad people and their kids will grow up to be a burden on society.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Religioin- More Harm than Good

I consider myself a religious person. However, my faith in religions and the Bible grows weaker every year.  I see little good in attending to both of them. Adam Carolla says that they have become more harm than good and to a certain degree I agree with him.
I’ve just realized that part of my growing dissonance with religion is caused by religious people quoting from the Bible, and replying to posts with anger.  Instead of being swayed, these posts cause me to question them.
A facebook friend posted about how evolution was stupid.  Creationism was the only way to explain how perfect a human body works.  I found myself questioning the Bible and wanted to respond.  If we take Genesis at its word, then why don’t people believe in the old testament command that adulterers and their spouses must be killed?

The post used the word stupid in regards to evolution.  I give God credit for the wonderful way bodies and nature works.  I cannot say that it happened in six days.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Lizzie files

What if it is not the free ride that causes people to be dependent on welfare? People that have never pondered this, need to take a deeper look into their beliefs. I looked for an analogy in my own life. One I cam up with was how grateful I was when a gas station employee gave me a penny so that I didn’t have to break a dollar. The next time I had a chance, I put a penny in the kitty.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Lizzie Files Calls for Impeachment

I am all for more security at our border.  However, Trump is going against our christian values by detaining young people and tearing families apart.  It is not winning by having the best ideas, but winning through fear.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Working cheaper, not smart

Gov. Walker ran on a platform of cutting waste. That's a good thing. Sorta.  Except when you cut things just to cut things.

The current way Wisconsin is run is that you tighten things up regardless of what harm is done. They have screwed up how agencies order things.  For greater control. However, if you have dedicate, comptetent people, you do not have to worry about waste. Yes there are bad apples in every organization, but I doubt you really stop them.

Who you stop is those that want to make progress in their goals. Again, some oversight is good because it makes people answer questions- there are checks and balances.

More importantly though, too much power just makes the people in charge corrupt.  i suspect that the extra control is to give contracts to friends. 

Meanwhile those not in politics but work for the government, have their times wasted by the extra bureaucracy that has been in place to replace bureaucracy.

Sorry short-sighted dimwits, it takes money to do things.  You may as well use enough to accomplish things instead of cutting costs and achieving nothing.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


For some people, perhaps all people, anger has become automatic.  They react, that reaction is anger. I think it is because we are so out of touch with our emotions.
Some of those people take a second look and then back off of anger.  They go to the person that they reacted to and touch the subject again

Some people don’t. They do not reflect on a situation. The anger sounds right to them and they stick with it. Even as their relationships crumble and their life grows dark, they do not stop.  It just seems as though their actions are justifiable.